TFT Global Inc

Company Name
Company Name: TFT Global Inc
Address: 25 Townline Rd, Suite 200
Tillsonburg Ontario, N4G 2R5
Phone: (519) 842-4540
Fax: (519) 842-7680
Website: Website
Number of Employees
Number of Employees: 1,000
Year Established
Year Established: 1989
Square Footage
Square Footage: 0 sq.ft.
Sector: 48-49 - Transportation and warehousing
Primary NAICS
Primary NAICS: 493110 - General warehousing and storage
Business Cluster
Business Cluster:
Major Employer
Business Services
Business Services:
Shipping & Delivery
Trucking and Transportation
Company Description
Company Description: TFT Global provides extensive assembly, containment, rework, logistics and distribution services to companies. Warehouse, cross-dock, move, sequence, meter, assemble, and deliver material – right to the assembly line. Real-time insight into the status, geo (and warehouse) location, and value of inventory, pallet-by-pallet through a secure, cloud-based portal.