Custom Quality Manufacturing Elgin Inc

Company Name
Company Name: Custom Quality Manufacturing Elgin Inc
Address: 516 John St N, Unit # 8
Aylmer Ontario, N5H 0A6
Phone: (519) 765-1339
Fax: (519) 765-1839
Website: Website
Number of Employees
Number of Employees: 49
Year Established
Year Established: 2006
Square Footage
Square Footage: 60,000 sq.ft.
Sector: 31-33 - Manufacturing
Primary NAICS
Primary NAICS: 332319 - Other plate work and fabricated structural product manufacturing
Business Cluster
Business Cluster:
Business Services
Business Services:
Company Description
Company Description: CQM is a family-owned Canadian fabrication company that provides high-quality metal solutions for various industries, with expertise in welding, laser cutting, tube laser and metal bending.