Restorative Health Inc

Company Name
Company Name: Restorative Health Inc
Address: 213 Tillson Ave, Unit B
Tillsonburg Ontario, N4G 3B3
Phone: (226) 970-3741
Fax: (519) 544-0530
Website: Website
Number of Employees
Number of Employees: 0
Year Established
Year Established: 2021
Square Footage
Square Footage: 0 sq.ft.
Sector: 62 - Health care and social assistance
Primary NAICS
Primary NAICS: 621340 - Offices of physical, occupational, and speech therapists and audiologists
Business Cluster
Business Cluster:
Professional Services
Business Services
Business Services:
Company Description
Company Description: Physiotherapy, Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy, Registered Massage Therapy, Women's Health Treatments, PLUS90, MORPHEUS8, Botox, Filler, Medical Grade Skin Treatments