Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital

Company Name
Company Name: Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
Address: 167 Rolph St
Tillsonburg Ontario, N4G 3Y9
Phone: (519) 842-3611
Fax: (519) 688-1031
Website: Website
Number of Employees
Number of Employees: 375
Year Established
Year Established: 1925
Square Footage
Square Footage: 0 sq.ft.
Sector: 62 - Health care and social assistance
Primary NAICS
Primary NAICS: 622111 - General (except paediatric) hospitals
Business Cluster
Business Cluster:
Major Employer
Business Services
Business Services:
Company Description
Company Description: TDMH has 122 physicians, 49 inpatient hospital beds, a 24/7 Emergency Department, an intensive care
unit, a dialysis unit and several outpatient clinics; there is also general surgery and
orthopedic surgery.